Warren Village at Ivy Crossing

Programs and Resources at Ivy Crossing Apartments

Warren Village at Ivy Crossing provides on-site programs and resources for residents at the Ivy Crossing Apartments, owned by FCP/BMC Investments. Ivy Crossing is a 1,000+ unit, market-rate, workforce housing apartment complex in southeast metro Denver. Warren Village runs several programs at this location that Ivy Crossing residents can access, including goal setting and economic mobility coaching, Kids’ Club, a food pantry, resource referrals, and community events.

Warren Village at Ivy Crossing Contact Information

For inquiries about the Warren Village at Ivy Crossing program, please contact Becky Manning, Community Resources Manager – Ivy Crossing at 303.320.5026 or bmanning@warrenvillage.org.

We are located in at Ivy Crossing Apartments in the Leasing Office building at 2470 S Quebec St. Denver, CO 80231.

If you are interested in volunteering for our program, please contact Warren Village’s Volunteer Coordinator Ashley Boland at aboland@warrenvillage.org.

2470 Quebec Street, Denver, CO 80231S 

Community Resources On-Site

Warren Village staff assist residents with goal setting and provide referrals to resources in the community that help residents keep safe and stable housing.

Personalized assistance to help with daily living, budgeting, and accessing community resources.

Resource referrals are available for the following:

  • Utility assistance
  • Employment and education
  • Benefits assistance, including food, childcare, and Medicaid
  • Mental health counseling
  • Financial/budgeting coaching
  • Towing
  • Legal assistance

One-on-one coaching to set personal goals and support pathways to economic independence. 

Engaging activities and support for children, providing a safe and enriching environment during after-school hours and throughout the summer. Guest speaker and opportunities provided through community partnerships.

Open to children between the ages of 5 and 14 who are in kindergarten and above, up to a total program size of 24. Hours: 3:30-5:30 pm during the school year and 2:30-4:30 pm during the summer.

Food Pantry stocked through community partnerships and open to all residents of Ivy Crossing by appointment during regular program hours, as well as on the third and fourth Friday mornings of every month.

Impact Stories

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