Search Results for: 5

Krystal’s Story

Many residents began the summer by celebrating graduation from higher education programs. Resident Krystal, who moved into Warren Village in 2021, graduated on May 12 from Metro State University of Denver with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and minor in Criminalistics.  Krystal restarted her college journey when she moved into Warren Village, and found

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Family and Community Support at Ivy Crossing

Warren Village at Ivy Crossing is a partnership between Warren Village and FCP/BMC Investments, located at Ivy Crossing, one of FCP/BMC Investments’ Denver properties. Ivy Crossing is a 1,000+ unit, market-rate, workforce housing apartment complex in southeast Denver. Warren Village runs several programs at this location that Ivy Crossing residents can access, including Mobility Mentoring™

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Becky’s Story

For the last two and a half years, Becky has held the position of professional juggler. She has been balancing career, school, raising two children on her own while their father lives overseas, improving her credit score, studying for and becoming a U.S. citizen, and making her mental health a priority. In February of 2021,

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Jada’s Story

I never considered myself to be much of a speaker. I never considered myself to be much of anything at all really. An inspiration, someone to look up to, anything like that. I spent many years alone in various rooms, whether that was at my father’s house with a small baby in my arms, at a

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