Saturday, September 14
Denver Center for Performing Arts | Seawell Ballroom
Reception at 5:30 pm | Dinner at 7:15 pm

This year marks a significant milestone for Warren Village. We are celebrating our 50th anniversary – commemorating the remarkable journey of the organization over the last five decades. As we reflect on the accomplishments of the past, we recognize that there is still much work to be done. Our gaze is fixed firmly on the future, where we envision even greater strides in our mission to uplift families, strengthen communities, and create lasting change.

Our annual Aspire Gala raises critical funding to empower 600 dedicated and driven single parents and their children each year. Warren Village residents aspire to transform the lives of their families, and, together with our community of supporters, we aspire to support their commitment to work toward their goals. Please join us in celebrating our proud legacy of serving unhoused and unstably housed single-parent families. Your sponsorship helps us disrupt systems of poverty, leaving a legacy of hope and transformation for generations to come.

Individual tickets are now on sale for $250 a ticket. We hope you will join us for an evening of celebration!

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Aspire Gala will be attended by 500+ community and business leaders and will include a cocktail reception, testimonials from families, a plated dinner, VIP event, and live music and dancing. 

Contact Michele Kilen, Development Director, at or call 303.320.5057 to secure your sponsorship today.

You can also secure your sponsorship online.

*Sponsorship must be confirmed and materials received before print deadlines.



Pre- and Post-Event Marketing

  • Featured logo on electronic invitation
  • Featured logo on printed version of save the date and formal invitation*
  • Featured logo in all gala-related emails
  • Prominent spot in print ads
  • Individual recognition on social media
  • Opportunity for corporate profile piece in Warren Village newsletter
  • Logo with link on gala web page

Day-of Marketing and Recognition

  • Two tables for 10 guests (20 total) with first-priority seating
  • Verbal recognition from podium
    during event
  • Two-page advertisement
    (created by sponsor) in the program*
  • Inclusion on all event signage*
  • Logo in event slide show
  • Logo on sponsor banner
  • 10 tickets to the VIP event
  • Speaking opportunity at the VIP event


Pre- and Post-Event Marketing

  • Logo on electronic invitation
  • Logo on printed version of
    save the date and formal invitation*
  • Logo in all gala-related emails
  • Logo in Warren Village newsletter
  • Placement in print ads
  • Individual recognition
    on social media
  • Logo with link on gala web page

Day-of Marketing and Recognition

  • One table for 10 guests with
    priority seating
  • Verbal recognition from podium
    during event
  • One-page advertisement
    (created by sponsor) in program*
  • Inclusion on all event signage*
  • Logo in event slide show
  • Branded cocktail napkins at reception*
  • Logo exclusively projected
    during reception
  • Six tickets to the VIP event

Pre- and Post-Event Marketing

  • Logo on electronic invitation
  • Logo on printed version of
    save the date and formal invitation*
  • Logo in all gala-related emails
  • Logo in Warren Village newsletter
  • Placement in print ads
  • Individual recognition on social media
  • Logo with link on gala web page

Day-of Marketing and Recognition

  • One table for 10 guests
  • Verbal recognition from the podium during event
  • Half-page advertisement
    (created by sponsor) in program*
  • Inclusion on all event signage*
  • Logo in event slide show
  • Two tickets to the VIP event

Pre- and Post-Event Marketing

  • Logo on electronic invitation
  • Logo on printed version of save the date and formal invitation*
  • Logo in all gala-related emails
  • Logo with link on gala web page
  • Group recognition on social media
  • Logo in Warren Village newsletter

Day-of Marketing and Recognition

  • One table for 10 guests
  • Quarter-page advertisement
    (created by sponsor) in program*
  • Inclusion on all event signage*
  • Logo in event slide show
  • Two tickets to the VIP event

Pre- and Post-Event Marketing

  • Logo on electronic invitation
  • Logo on printed version of save the date and formal invitation*
  • Logo in all gala-related emails
  • Logo with link on gala web page
  • Group recognition on social media
  • Logo in Warren Village newsletter

Day-of Marketing and Recognition

  • One table for 10 guests
  • Included in Community Sponsor listing
    in program
  • Inclusion on all event signage*
  • Logo in event slide show
  • Two tickets to the VIP event

Sponsor Marketing and Community Exposure


digital invitation recipients


print newsletter recipients


visits to the Aspire Gala web page


Facebook followers


Instagram followers


LinkedIn followers

Thank You 2024 Sponsors

Anniversary Sponsor

Growth Sponsors

Kettering Family Foundation

Community Sponsors

Christine & Larry Baumgartner
Craig Brown & Edward Scholz
Holly Brown & Joel Rosenstein
Gina Carbone Fenton & Steve Fenton
Stefannie Emerson & Dr. Steve Rotholz
Nicole Temrock & Ethan Hemming
Mile High United Way
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