Jane’s Story

Jane was an independent woman with a mission. In 1999, she came to America from Kenya for the first time. With large aspirations, she knew her goals and dreams lay in the United States. In the early 2000’s, Jane came to live and study in Colorado, and in 2008 she received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Regis University. She was well on her way to achieving her goals, but entering the workforce in 2008 was a challenge. Then, on a visit back to Kenya, her dreams shifted when she met and married her husband.

For the first five years of her marriage in Kenya, things were good – they had flourishing businesses, strived for the same goals, and started a family. But the last three years of her marriage, things turned, and Jane once again started thinking she needed to get back to chasing her dreams in America. Jane entered a green card lottery, was selected, and in November 2018 arrived in America with her two children – Maya and Theo.

Jane thought that if she could just get back to America, she’d get back to the life she had left in 2008, but unfortunately, that wasn’t quite the case. After moving in with a relative, who was also in an uncomfortable relationship, Jane realized she needed to find a home where her children could feel safe and secure. That’s when a friend introduced her to Warren Village. Jane, Maya and Theo moved into Warren Village in February of 2019.

Warren Village not only created a safe home for Jane and her family, but also helped her get back on track to pursue her goals. With the support of her family advocate, Jane was able to pay off old student loans, take a few courses, get her resume up to date, and eventually, find an entry level position in accounting. When COVID-19 hit, Jane’s plans were re-routed, and Warren Village was there to support her new vision and allow her to pursue an MBA with Western Governors University.

As for Maya and Theo, they found their place at Warren Village through Kids’ Club. They found activities they both love—art for Maya and building for Theo—and continue to connect with other children in the Warren Village community. Maya has taken a particular interest in running as a result of her participation in Girls on the Run Rockies (GOTRR). Maya has participated in multiple training seasons and is extremely dedicated to her training and participating with her team and coaches on the lesson plans that are part of this physical activity-based positive youth development (PA-PYD) program designed to develop and enhance girls’ social, psychological, and physical competencies to successfully navigate life experiences. GOTRR is one of our programmatic partners, organizations like this provide services that elevate and enhance our program.

Over the last two years, Jane has found the support she was seeking, made a plan, and continued to chase her dreams that started so many years ago. She is confident in her vision and confident in raising children who are free to pursue their dreams in a safe and peaceful home.

“When I was married, in my own home, I was worried. I was worried about what I was going to eat and what was the next thing because I was in a controlled and very toxic environment. For Warren Village to step in and say, ‘Relax, it’s OK. You’re fine, you have a place to sleep; you have a place to eat and you can enjoy a peaceful two years,’ that’s incredible. What Warren Village does is extraordinary.”

2024 Update: See Where Jane and Her Children Are Now

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